Open Streets 2010:
With your support and with the help of local business and exhibitors, the first two Open Streets Hamilton events were a huge success! Hosting a combination of 12,500 visitors to both festivals, James Street North was able to showcase the best Hamilton has to offer in green living, healthy choices, active transportation and more – all for free!

Courtesy Janet Rymal
Of those surveyed at the festivals this year, roughly 25% said their favourite part was the Open Streets (No Car) concept. This makes us feel we are on the right track to a great event! Since the same number of patrons said they wanted to see more exhibits, activities, and local businesses involved, we hope you will continue to help us plan our future events!
Please take a moment to fill out the survey below. There are 20 questions including options for more information about this and other events coming up on James Street North. Your input will help shape the future of Open Streets Hamilton and contribute to a brighter and healthier future for all Hamiltonians.
If you attended our event but haven’t had the chance to give your feedback yet, please spend a few moments answering the questions below. By completing the following survey, you will be entered to win one of the fabulous prizes donated by Open Streets Hamilton exhibitors and business participants and can choose to receive updates and news about this and similar events throughout the city.
Thank you for supporting a healthy and active community in Hamilton! We hope you enjoyed your time at this year’s Open Streets Hamilton on James Street North!
On behalf of all our staff, volunteers and founding organizations, Thank You!
Open Streets Hamilton
[email protected]