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Thanks to the support of our 2012-13 sponsors, Open Streets Hamilton is returning for its fifth year of events promoting active transportation, healthy living, and bringing Hamilton’s communities together.

Gold Sponsors:


Smart Commute Hamilton is an association led by the City of Hamilton which works with local businesses and community organizations to provide programs and initiatives that encourage the use of active and sustainable transportation. The initiative takes immediate action on climate change and health in the GTHA through transportation efficiency, policy development and infrastructure renewal.

Open Streets Hamilton thanks the City of Hamilton for its continued support and encouragement of our programming!  Thanks to the Community Partnership Program Grant, Department of Public Works and Public Health, and the countless volunteers and staff supporters who make Open Streets Hamilton possible!

Bronze Sponsors:

HARRRP Community Centres exist to nurture and inspire the human spirit in each person and to bring neighbours together as a diverse and thriving community. They are friendly community hubs where neighbours can meet in structured and casual ways to engage in recreational, artistic, educational, cultural, and community building opportunities and activities. HARRRP fosters an atmosphere that encourages the development of positive, healthy, and caring neighbourhoods.  The centres  are the result of a collaborative initiative bringing together a wide variety of service delivery partners to improve the lives of people in our community.


The Hamilton Cycling Committee meets the first Wednesday of every month at 5:00 p.m. in Room 192 at City Hall.  The meetings are open to the public.  The committee is very proud to be a member of Open Streets Hamilton’s Steering Committee since 2009.

In-kind Sponsors:
